(ita / fr) 

    My artistic exploration is closely tied to the view of the world as a flow permeated by the energy of human fragility. At the core of my work lies the concept of “Corpus-et-Vulnus,” an existential alchemical synthesis that merges the physical and the spiritual aspects.
    My personal artistic language is heavily influenced by the tradition of informal art, particularly developed through experimentation and inspired by great masters such as Kiefer, Parmiggiani, Beuys…
    I navigate the unusual space in the interstitial zones between painting and sculpture. To embody my artistic vision, I’ve coined the term “Communicating Artistic Organisms (CAO)” for these entities. They don’t possess fixed or conclusive forms; instead, they consist of an ever-evolving “Cosmic Fabric-Texture,” where everything is in a state of change: chemical reactions, fermentations, chromatic alterations, and decay.
    This practice strengthens the idea that art is a process intimately linked to life as raw material, where the irreversible and continuous transformation of the “Body-beyond-Matter” is an integral part of a “Nomadic Ethics” and an “Aesthetics of Convergence,” based on the creative mechanisms of Ruins.
    In order to constantly reinterpret exhibition spaces and experiment with practices that foster unparalleled relational processes, revealing a shared lexicon between artists and participants, I’m seeking to expand beyond the worn out concepts “site-specific” and “site-sensitive,” introducing the concept of “site-coexistence.” This term encapsulates my attempt to illuminate an active and inclusive interpretive nature within the exhibition site, where a dynamic interplay unfolds between artists and participants, uncovering connections, affinities, and potential developments.
    For this reason, I’ve even moved away from the practice of affixing my works with nails to the walls of white cubes, instead placing my devices on the ground, preferably in the “contemporary cathedrals of vulnerability”: former prisons, asylums, slaughterhouses, hospitals, churches, barges… these dormant spaces within our metropolises, where we can unveil what lies beneath the world-in-function.

    If you’d like to explore my portfolio, please download it here.


    (ita / fr)