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    The Association of Social Promotion (APS) VULNERARTE MOVEMENT was founded by Sergio Mario Illuminato within a unique and unrepeatable ARTISTIC RESIDENCY that was organized – with the sponsorship of the Lazio Region and the Municipality of Velletri – at the former Pontifical Prison of Velletri, a place of over a thousand square meters built in 1861 by the Romani family – together with a group of painting and sculpture students and technicians from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, as well as teachers and professionals in photography, cinema, dance, and music.
    The Movement argues that contemporary art has become irrelevant due to its distance from the truth of reality and needs a radical change to reclaim its rights over life.
    VulnerarTe aims to break down the barriers between work and non-work, between author and participant and between exhibition space and everyday life, creating OAC Performative Communicating-Artistic-Organisms that enter into Site-Coexistence with the artists, the participants, in light of the places of the performative events, holding singular autonomy in time and space through the continuous transformation of the Body-Beyond-Matter, and where the entire process of relationships that arises from it can inspire to overcome separations, reductions, specializations, simplifications, decontextualizations, towards a new cognitive paradigm that can reveal a shared lexicon between artists and participants.
    The Movement pursues a transdisciplinary performative practice constituted by the contamination and integration of expressive resources from painting, sculpture, dance, music, photography, cinema, theater, and publishing.

    Movimento VulnerarTe is an accredited body in the National School-Work Alternation Register and can sign agreements with schools and carry out ad hoc projects for classes or groups of students.

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